
7 Common Myths About Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

7 Common Myths About Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

Were you injured in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence? If so, you might be wondering, “Is it worth hiring a personal injury attorney?” For many people, the decision to hire a lawyer can be confusing, especially since there are common misconceptions about what attorneys do and how the legal process works. We’re fighting myths with personal injury facts to help you understand how personal injury claims are handled and what an experienced lawyer could do for you.

1. “I only need to hire a personal injury lawyer for serious injuries.”

If you weren’t severely injured in an accident, you might think you don’t need a personal injury lawyer. This might be a mistake, however. In the weeks and months following an accident, you might discover that you were more seriously hurt than you initially thought. If you already accepted a settlement from the insurance company, you may find that the amount you settled for was not enough to cover all of your losses.

That is why you should speak with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after an injury accident. An attorney can review the details of your case and help you seek the compensation you deserve.

2. “Personal injury claims take a long time.”

People often think the legal process is slow and that it will take a very long time before you see any financial recovery. This might tempt you to accept a quick settlement from the insurance company so you can get some money to help cover medical bills and other expenses.

In reality, the time it takes to recover compensation will vary from case to case. Different factors can affect the timeline of your personal injury claim, including the severity of your injuries, the amount of insurance coverage available, and whether responsibility for the accident is at issue. If you finished treating your injuries and the other party has accepted liability for your injuries, your personal injury claim might be settled in just a few months. Of course, more complex personal injury claims will take longer to resolve.

3. “Hiring a personal injury lawyer is too expensive.”

When dealing with medical bills and other living expenses, especially if you cannot work, you may not want to spend money you don’t have on an attorney. However, personal injury lawyers typically represent injured clients on a contingency fee basis. That means the client doesn’t pay any money upfront to their attorney. Instead, the attorney is paid only after obtaining compensation for their client. If they don’t get you any money, they don’t get paid.

4. “I don’t need a lawyer if I have insurance.”

Never assume that an insurance company will automatically cover all the losses you sustained in an accident. Insurance companies make money by paying out as little as possible for claims, so they have a vested interest in denying your claim or paying a minimal amount of money. Insurers have numerous tricks and tactics to get unsuspecting accident victims to accept far less than their case is worth.

No matter how tough a negotiator you are, accident victims who are represented by a lawyer recover three times as much in injury claims as injured victims who try to handle their claims on their own. Not only does a personal injury lawyer have extensive experience dealing with insurance adjusters, but it tells the insurance company that you are prepared to fight as long as necessary for full compensation, even if you have to take your claim to court.

5. “All personal injury cases go to court.”

Although many people’s idea of the justice system involves a courtroom, only a small fraction of personal injury cases go to trial. Most personal injury claims are resolved through a settlement, often before filing a lawsuit. Settlements are preferred because going to court can make legal costs skyrocket. A settlement allows the parties to keep control over the outcome of the case, rather than putting it in the hands of a judge or jury and ending up with a result that leaves neither party happy.

6. “I can wait all the time I want to hire a lawyer.”

Your rights to pursue a personal injury claim are limited by a law known as the statute of limitations. Under Oklahoma’s statute of limitations, you typically have only two years from the date you were injured to file a lawsuit against the responsible party.

However, you often cannot wait the full two years to hire a lawyer. Your personal injury lawyer will need to thoroughly investigate and prepare an effective legal case before filing a lawsuit. If you wait until the very end of the limitations period to speak to a lawyer, they won’t have enough time to prepare your case. Many attorneys may decline to represent you under those circumstances.

7. “Personal injury attorneys are greedy.”

Because personal injury attorneys normally represent clients on a contingency fee basis, their interests are aligned with the interests of their clients. The attorney gets paid only when their client gets paid, and the attorney makes more money if they win more money for their client.

In reality, most personal injury attorneys genuinely care about their client’s well-being and want to help with their client’s physical and emotional recovery in any way they can.

Contact an Oklahoma City Personal Injury Lawyer Today

Don’t let these personal injury myths prevent you from getting the compensation you deserve. If you were injured in an accident through no fault of your own, contact an Oklahoma City personal injury lawyer at Ryan Bisher Ryan Simons today for a free, no-obligation consultation.

We are Ryan Bisher Ryan & Simons, a legal firm that, for decades, has been fighting for the rights of hardworking Oklahoma residents. Our mission is to hold the powerful accountable.