
Common Types of Motorcycle Accidents in Oklahoma

Common Types of Motorcycle Accidents in Oklahoma

As a motorcyclist, you know all too well that you face certain risks every time you get on your bike. While motorcycles account for just 3 percent of all registered motor vehicles in the United States, they experience an outsize portion of fatal accidents – 14 percent, according to the National Safety Council (NSC). 

Understanding the most common motorcycle accident causes and how to avoid them is critical to staying safe on your next ride.

Motorcycle Crashes Caused by Left-Turning Cars

Cars making left-hand turns are a leading cause of motorcycle accidents in Oklahoma. Left-turn crashes typically occur when an oncoming motorist turns into the path of an approaching motorcycle, either due to misjudging the motorcycle’s speed or not noticing it at all.

Motorcycles’ smaller size and the difficulty drivers have in estimating their speed often contribute to these accidents. Though the left-turning driver is typically the one to blame, the motorcyclist usually suffers the more severe consequences, including serious injuries like fractures, brain trauma, or even death.

Head-on Collisions

Head-on collisions are among the most devastating motorcycle accidents. These accidents are often caused by one vehicle crossing into the opposing traffic lane or proceeding the wrong way down a one-way street.

Many factors can contribute to these accidents, including distracted driving, driving under the influence, speeding, or not following traffic rules. Because they don’t have a steel frame to protect them from the force of impact, motorcyclists are especially vulnerable in these accidents.

Intoxication-Related Motorcycle Accidents

Accidents involving alcohol or drugs are responsible for about a third of all fatal traffic accidents, according to the NSC. These substances can impair judgment, reaction time, and motor control, creating dangerous situations on the road.

Motorcyclists should always ride sober, as even slight impairment can disrupt the delicate balance and fast reaction times required for safe motorcycle operation. Still, no amount of precaution can prevent someone else from making the reckless decision to drive while impaired.

Lane-Switching Motorcycle Accidents

Lane-switching accidents pose a significant risk to motorcyclists in Oklahoma. These often occur when other drivers fail to check their blind spots before changing lanes and colliding with a motorcyclist.

Passenger and commercial vehicles have sizable blind spots in which a motorcyclist may be traveling unnoticed. When drivers switch lanes without thoroughly checking these areas or signaling their intent, the resulting sudden encroachment can leave motorcyclists with little time to react.

Corner-Turning Motorcycle Accidents

Corner-turning accidents occur when a motorcyclist misjudges the angle or speed required to safely navigate a turn or corner, leading to a loss of control and potential collision. Factors like road conditions, speed, and rider inexperience play a critical role in these accidents. Wet or gravel roads can reduce traction, while excessive speed can make a motorcycle difficult to control.

High-Speed Motorcycle Crashes

High-speed crashes are among the most devastating motorcycle accidents in Oklahoma. They typically occur when a motorcyclist or other road user travels at a significantly higher speed than the traffic flow, causing a loss of control or leaving insufficient time to react to road hazards.

The impact from high-speed crashes can cause serious harm to motorcyclists, often throwing them off their bikes and into other vehicles, objects, or onto the roadway itself. The resulting injuries can be severe, ranging from fractures and traumatic brain injuries to life-threatening internal injuries or even death. Tragically, speeding crashes are some of the most common motorcycle accidents. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that a third of all motorcyclists involved in fatal collisions were speeding at the time.

Contact Our Motorcycle Accident Lawyers for Help

Were you or a loved one hurt in a motorcycle accident in Oklahoma? If someone else was to blame, they could owe you money – and the Oklahoma motorcycle accident attorneys with Ryan Bisher Ryan & Simons want to help you demand it. Contact us today to get started with a free consultation. When hurt people need help, they call us.

We are Ryan Bisher Ryan & Simons, a legal firm that, for decades, has been fighting for the rights of hardworking Oklahoma residents. Our mission is to hold the powerful accountable.